Sunday, February 10, 2008

Okay I was a BAD girl Ginger!!!

I missed my Daily Write for February 7th, 8th, and 9th!!! BAD GIRL BAD GIRL!!!! So here is a quick review: Thursday night (the 7th) after baseball practice I was quite exhausted and went straight to my room after the boys were all in bed!! Friday (the 8th)well that was my Ladies' Night and boy was it scrumptious!! I had blueberry martini's which are my new fave I have to look up how to make!! And Last night (the 9th) well after cleaning the church, hurting my back, and having lack of sleep because I was out til almost 2 in the morning for Ladies night I simply came home and went straight to bed.

Today my back is still hurting. I think I have a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle or something. Last time this happened it took about a week to recover so I am not happy about this!! My work hours have changed at my job so now I am off every other weekend and work 8-3 on Saturdays and 3-9 on Sundays on the weekends that I do work. This is the first new weekend working cycle for me and I am currently at work til 9 tonight!!! I just finished reviewing the sale ads and trying to figure out the menu while factoring in baseball practices and school meetings which changes up "cooking"time!!! I have a feeling my crockpot will be used quite often this baseball season!!! I am off from work tomorrow so I hope to accomplish any necessary food shopping and get dinner started early because we have a school meeting at 5 and baseball practice from 5:30-7:00 so we must eat by 4:30 tomorrow and maybe pack a snack for while at baseball pratice. I am trying to get the boys to eat more "veggies" so I might pack celery with peanut butter for their snack!! Anyways...hehe I am off to find some more crockpot family compatible recipes online and hopefully get to catch some of my friends in the chat room tonight since I haven't been there since Wednesday night!!!!

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